Code Product: 000438397

Smarties Trio 3x34gr

NESTLÉ Smarties Confetti ripieni di Cioccolato al Latte 3 tubi 34 g

2.99 €

29.90 € per kg


Online grocery shopping with home delivery in Olbia, Cagliari, Sassari, Quartu Sant'Elena, and surrounding provinces, even within two hours. Shipping available throughout Italy and worldwide. Discover special offers and order comfortably from home!

  • Brand: NESTLÉ
  • Product: - I'm paper - Be smart recycle me! - 3x - Colours from nature* - *The colours of Smarties products are of natural origin. These colours come from a mixture of different ingredients and colourings of natural origin
  • Ingredients: Zucchero
    Latte scremato in polvere
    Pasta di cacao¹
    Burro di cacao¹
    Farina di frumento
    Burro anidro
    Lattosio e proteine del siero di latte in polvere
    Amido di riso
    Emulsionante lecitine
    Coloranti (rosso di barbabietola, caroteni, curcumina)
    Concentrato di spirulina
    Agenti di rivestimento (cera di carnauba, cera d'api bianca)
    Concentrati vegetali (cartamo, ravanello)
    Estratto di malto d'orzo
    ¹Rainforest Alliance Certified. Find out more at
    Contiene: frumento, orzo, latte

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