Code Product: 000436581

Mulino Bianco Gran Bauletto Semi e Noci 465Gr

Pane di tipo "integrale" con Semi di Girasole, Noci e Semi di Zucca.

2.95 €

6.28 € per kg



  • Brand: Mulino Bianco
  • Product: Mulino Bianco Gran Bauletto Seeds and Walnuts is a soft bread enriched with natural ingredients, including sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, and crunchy walnuts. This bread is perfect for those looking for a nutritious and flavorful alternative to traditional bread, ideal for pairing with both sweet and savory dishes. The combination of seeds and walnuts adds a pleasant crunch and provides essential fibers and nutrients, making it a great choice for a balanced diet. The 465 g size is perfect for the whole family and for anyone seeking a versatile and delicious bread for any occasion.
  • Ingredients: Farina integrale di grano tenero 56,2%*
    Semi di girasole 7,3%*
    Olio di girasole 3,2%
    Glutine di frumento
    Noci 1,8%*
    Semi di zucca 1,4%*
    Trattato con alcool etilico in superficie
    *Percentuali espresse sui prodotto finito
    Può contenere tracce di altra frutta a guscio latte, senape, sesamo, soia e uova

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