Code Product: 000130358

Noberasco Misto Power Bio 40Gr

Noberasco che Misto! Bio Power

1.49 €

37.26 € per kg



  • Brand: Noberasco
  • Product: Noberasco Misto Power Bio is a delicious and healthy mix of dried fruit and seeds, perfect for a natural energy boost during the day. Made with carefully selected organic ingredients, this snack is rich in fiber, proteins, and vitamins. Ideal as a quick snack or to enhance your recipes, it offers a natural and nutritious alternative for those looking for a health and wellness boost. The 40 g package is convenient to carry at any time of the day.
  • Ingredients: Frutta disidratata in proporzione variabile* (55%) (mirtilli rossi americani zuccherati (cranberries)* (mirtilli* 60%, zucchero di canna*, olio di semi di girasole*), bacche di physalis*)
    Frutta a guscio in proporzione variabile* (45%) (noci*, nocciole*)
    *Da agricoltura biologica
    Può contenere arachidi, anacardi, mandorle, noci del Brasile, pistacchi e soia

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