Code Product: 000109566

Saiwa Tuc Pocket 8Pz 250Gr

Tuc Cracker Classico cotto al forno 250gr

2.49 €

9.96 € per kg



  • Brand: Saiwa
  • Product: Saiwa Tuc Pocket are crispy, light crackers, ideal for a quick snack or a tasty break. With a convenient multipack of 8 portions, each pack is easy to take on the go, making it perfect for snacking outside the home. Their slightly salty taste makes them a versatile option to enjoy on their own or paired with dips and cheese.
  • Ingredients: Farina di frumento 79 %
    Olio di girasole 16 %
    Agenti lievitanti (carbonati di ammonio, carbonati di potassio, fosfati di calcio)
    Farina di orzo maltato
    Sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio
    Può contenere uova, latte

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