Code Product: 000109100

Pane Ideale per Panini 400Gr

Pane Ideale per Panini 400Gr

1.49 €

3.72 € per kg



  • Brand: Mulino Bianco
  • Product: Mulino Bianco Durum Wheat Sandwich Bread is a soft and fragrant bread made with high-quality durum wheat semolina. This bread has a fluffy texture and rich flavor, ideal for making toast, sandwiches, or accompanying your favorite dishes. Perfect for nutritious breakfasts or light lunches, Durum Wheat Sandwich Bread is a versatile and tasty choice for any occasion.
  • Ingredients: Semola rimacinata di grano duro 68,2%, acqua, olio extravergine di oliva 2,9%, lievito, sale, zucchero, glutine di frumento, farina di orzo maltato, farina di grano tenero tipo "0". Trattato con alcool etilico in superficie.

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