Code Product: 000110587

Chupa Ch The Best Of Ruota 200

Chupa Chups the Best of 200 x 12 g

71.13 €

5.50 € per kg


Online grocery shopping with home delivery in Olbia, Cagliari, Sassari, Quartu Sant'Elena, and surrounding provinces, even within two hours. Shipping available throughout Italy and worldwide. Discover special offers and order comfortably from home!

  • Brand: Chupa Chups
  • Product: Chupa Ch The Best Of Ruota 200
  • Ingredients: Zucchero
    Sciroppo di glucosio
    Polpa e succo di frutta (3%) (mela, ciliegia, lampone, ananas, lime, limone, fragola, pesca, banana, arancia, mirtillo, mora, mango, anguria, kiwi)
    Acidificanti: acido lattico, acido malico, acido citrico
    Concentrati vegetali (barbabietola, cartamo, ravanello, mela, patata dolce, ciliegia, limone, spirulina)
    Estratto vegetale di paprica

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