Code Product: 000573098

Provola Casizolu Dorada Dulce

medium weight 0.8 Kg

11.92 €

14.90 € per kg


Online grocery shopping with home delivery in Olbia, Cagliari, Sassari, Quartu Sant'Elena, and surrounding provinces, even within two hours. Shipping available throughout Italy and worldwide. Discover special offers and order comfortably from home!

  • Brand:
  • Product: Provola Casizolu Dorada Vaccin
  • Ingredients: Provola Casizolu Dorada Vaccin

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Alternatives to the products you are viewing

La Ce Sa Provolette

medium weight 0.700 Kg

12.53 €

17.90 € per kg

Lactose free

Formaggio La Ce Sa Provola Senza lattosio

medium weight 1 Kg

18.90 €

18.90 € per kg


Formaggio Casizolu Montiferru Fresco

medium weight 2.4 Kg

57.36 €

23.90 € per kg


Formaggio Arborea Provolone Bianco S/v

medium weight 2.4 kg

38.16 €

15.90 € per kg


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Provolina Arborea Affumica 250gr

Arborea Provolina Affumicata 250 g

4.69 €

18.76 € per kg


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Formaggio Casizolu Montiferru Spicchio

medium weight 0.35 kg

8.71 €

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