Code Product: 000104108

Fette Biscottate Cellino Classiche Monoporzione 100Pz

Cellino Fette Biscottate classiche Bi-fetta (monoporzione da 2 Fette) 18Gr

11.81 €

6.56 € per kg

Online grocery shopping with home delivery in Olbia, Cagliari, Sassari, Quartu Sant'Elena, and surrounding provinces, even within two hours. Shipping available throughout Italy and worldwide. Discover special offers and order comfortably from home!

  • Brand: F.lli Cellino, F.lli Cellino
  • Product: Cellino Classic Single-Portion Rusks are crunchy and fragrant, ideal for a light breakfast or a snack throughout the day. These traditional rusks are packaged in convenient single portions to ensure freshness and convenience. Perfect for pairing with jams, honey, or spreads, they offer a delicate taste and remain crispy for a long time.
  • Ingredients: Farina di frumento
    Lievito naturale (da farina di frumento tipo 0)
    Grassi vegetali di palma
    Crema di lievito
    Estratto di malto d'orzo
    Può contenere tracce di: frutta a guscio, latte, soia

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