Code Product: 000112305

Panini Schär Rolls Senza Glutine 225Gr

Schär Panini Rolls 225 g

4.97 €

22.10 € per kg


  • Brand: Schär
  • Product: Schär Gluten-Free Rolls are soft and flavorful, perfect for those following a gluten-free diet without sacrificing the pleasure of bread. These rolls are ideal for filling with sweet or savory ingredients, making them a versatile solution for quick lunches, snacks, or to accompany main meals. Free from lactose, gluten, and preservatives, Schär Rolls provide a healthy and safe option for people with celiac disease or food intolerances. Packaged in a convenient 225 g bag, they are perfect for the whole family.
  • Ingredients: amido di mais , acqua , pasta madre (farina di riso, acqua) 12% , farina di mais , farina di riso , fibra vegetale (psillio) , addensante: idrossipropilmetilcellulosa ; olio extravergine di oliva , lievito , proteine di soia , olio di girasole , acidificanti: acido citrico , acido tartarico ; sale . Può contenere senape. SENZA LATTOSIO. SENZA FRUMENTO.

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