Code Product: 000108774

Pepite Rebecchi Cioc Fond 125g

Mariarosa Pepite di cioccolato Fondente 125 g

3.65 €

29.19 € per kg

Online grocery shopping with home delivery in Olbia, Cagliari, Sassari, Quartu Sant'Elena, and surrounding provinces, even within two hours. Shipping available throughout Italy and worldwide. Discover special offers and order comfortably from home!

  • Brand: Mariarosa
  • Product: Pepite Rebecchi Cioc Fond 125g
  • Ingredients: Zucchero
    Pasta di cacao
    Burro di cacao
    Emulsionante: lecitina di soia
    Aroma naturale vaniglia
    Cacao: 42% min.
    Può contenere latte, frutta a guscio

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